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Dr. Hootan Daneshmand

Hip Dip Surgery in Orange County

Hip Dip Plastic Surgery

It is not uncommon for women and men alike to seek the best possible contour for their body. Often, the goal is for a smooth hourglass figure, as popularized—and even sensationalized— in the media.

The idea is that a more out curved hip and buttocks region appears sexier and more feminine.

But, many women do not have this curve of the hips naturally. Their hips may resemble more of a violin shape than an hourglass. Let us first say, this is completely normal and okay and does not make anyone less feminine!

However, we also understand the concern of how to get rid of hip dips when individuals aren’t fond of them. Which is why, at the Silhouette Plastic Surgery Institute, we specialize in giving you your dream figure by perfecting your silhouette, whatever that may look like for you. It’s in our name, after all!

Let’s discuss some of the ways we can do that through hip dip injections and hip dip surgery.

hip dip surgery orange co
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Hip Dip Reduction

When looking at a woman straight on, she may either have hips that are visibly rounded, go straight down, or have a concave, inward curve around the upper-thigh area. The latter is what is referred to as a hip dip. It may also be referred to as a hip divot or violin hips. 

Hip dips may be very subtle or very pronounced depending on the person. Regardless of whether they are noticeable or not, if you were to look inward and compare everyone’s skeletons, we all would have that dip or indentation where the top of the thigh meets the hip bone. All it comes down to on the outside is the way in which weight and muscle is distributed on any individual body type. 

Hip dips are a completely natural thing for any person to have. They are essentially caused by the shape of your pelvis, but factors like weight distribution and muscle mass can certainly contribute to how pronounced they are. It is not to say that hip dips are a determining factor in how healthy or unhealthy a person is, though. While exercise can often enhance the roundness and curve of your hips, hips dips really depend on bone structure. 

Hip dips are a very natural thing.  However, it is not uncommon for someone to want to eliminate or “fix” them. Fairly often do women inquire about ways in which they might eliminate those concave impressions on their hips. Especially in today’s hip-obsessed world with so much focus and desire being placed on an hourglass-shaped figure. Curves are beautiful in every shape and size as they appear on a body, but many times women with hip dips seek a smoother, fuller hip area. 

There are a few ways in which someone may go about fixing a hip dip. First and foremost, natural methods like exercise and diet changes may be beneficial in eliminating the appearance of hip dips. Finding a workout routine that targets the hip area (such as squats, lunges, donkey kicks, etc.) may produce the desired results by building your hip and glute muscles. In addition, maintaining a diet rich in vegetables and leafy greens, healthy fats, and lean protein may also help change that curvature of your thighs.

The reason we say “may” and not “will” is simply because everyone’s body is different, and while some may notice exercise is beneficial in reducing their hip dips, others with the same routine and diet may not notice a difference at all.

Gluteal and thigh exercises may help in rounding out your hip dips, but it is not guaranteed that they will disappear completely. This is because they have more to do with your pelvic bone structure than your fat or muscle, and as we all know, bone structure cannot be changed through exercise or diet.

The actual liposculpting procedure may take somewhere between three to four hours. General anesthesia will be used to sedate the patient for the duration of the surgery. Once under sedation, your surgeon will remove excess fat from one or more areas of your body using a liposuction procedure. The fat will be transferred into a machine, where it will be spun to separate the fat from blood and other fluids. Then, the clean fat will be injected directly into your hip dip area. Nearly 70% of this injected fat is expected to survive the transfer; the rest will be reabsorbed into the body.

Liposculpting is preferable for people who want to see immediate results rather than receiving several injections over a longer period of time. It is also a more permanent solution than its counterpart Sculptra. Though the result of fat grafting varies from patient to patient, it is likely to provide lasting, permanent enhancement for life. This is due to the fact that the fat transferred is a living substance, as opposed to fillers (which may absorb into the body) or implants (which may rupture).

The cost of hip dip surgery varies depending on several factors. The experience of your surgeon, the location in which he or she practices, and the amount of work that must be required for your desired results all factor into the price. 

Because it is a cosmetic procedure and hip dips are not considered a medical issue, insurance will not cover the cost for hip dip surgery. It will need to come out of your pocket. 

To get the best estimate for how much you may be spending on your hip dip surgery, call 949-359-8397 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Daneshmand today. He will assess your body type and individual circumstances to determine how much you can expect to pay for this procedure.

Hip Dip Injections

There are both surgical and nonsurgical options available for those who seek to remove their hip dips. At Silhouette Plastic Surgery, Dr. Hootan Daneshmand performs both of these types of treatment. They are liposculpting, which uses a fat grafting technique, and Sculptra, which are essentially hip dip injections.

Sculptra Hip Dips

Sculptra is a nonsurgical, injectable implant option that uses dermal filler to increase hip volume and plumpness. The hip dip injections, which are FDA-approved, are made up of a synthetic sugar called Poly-L-Lactic Acid. The filler works by facilitating localized collagen production in the targeted area.

Though Sculptra hip dips are a noninvasive treatment option, the downside is that they do not provide immediate results. Sculptra hip dips injections are a gradual process, requiring several successive sessions over a 6 month period (give or take) before a patient is able to notice the desired results.

Liposculpting (Fat Grafting) Hip Dips

The other option involves the surgical procedure of liposculpting, which may also be known as fat grafting. This low-risk procedure essentially suctions fat from one area of the body (stomach, thighs, buttocks, etc.) and distributes it into the hip dip area. The transfer of fat fills in the curvatures of the hip dip and rounds them out for a smoother, more voluminous shape.

If a person does not have enough fat to take from other areas of the body, artificial fillers or even silicone implants may also be an option for surgically filling out the hip dip area.