Dr. Hootan Daneshmand

Inner Thigh Liposuction - Bakersfield & Orange County

inner thigh liposuction

Inner Thigh Liposuction in Orange County

With the ever-rising popularity of social media, many people look for ways in which they can perfect themselves. Some have issues with their shape in general, while others want to target specific areas of fat deposits to achieve their ideal shape. Luckily, liposuction provides relief from those pesky areas of fat that diet and exercise just won’t get rid of. This stubborn fat also causes chafing, which is friction between the thighs that often results in discomfort during exercise or extensive walking. Inner thigh liposuction serves, for many, as a solution to discomfort both physically and mentally. At Silhouette Plastic Surgery in Orange County, liposuction is one of our commonly-performed procedures. It targets stubborn areas of fat deposits, removes them permanently, and results in smooth body contouring with minimal scarring and easy recovery. If you’re looking for an Orange County plastic surgeon with board certification in an accredited operating facility, then Silhouette Plastic Surgery is for you. We offer a wide range of procedures aside from liposuction, including breast augmentation and even rhinoplasty. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Daneshmand, please call 949-359-8397, or fill out our online intake form.

How Much is Leg Liposuction?

One of the first questions many people ask about inner thigh liposuction is its price. While pricing varies from patient to patient, as well as surgeon to surgeon, there is one important factor to note. We cannot stress enough that the quality of your liposuction procedure is far more important than the cost. If your goal is excellent results and minimal recovery, then a quality treatment is the best way to go. You wouldn’t put a “Discount” tag on your body, right? So, why settle for the cheapest surgeon available? Chances are, the results won’t be great, and they might even cause health problems.

While many surgeons do not offer an exact cost upfront, we provide below the average range of inner thigh liposuction costs: Approximately $3,300 to $6,500.

Factors That Determine Leg Liposuction Cost

Additionally, we recommend that you keep in mind all the factors which determine liposuction costs. Below, we list everything we take into consideration while pricing an inner thigh liposuction procedure.

  • Patient size
  • Time and effort required by your surgeon
  • Anesthesiologist’s fees
  • Operating room costs
  • Preoperative laboratory fees
  • Related expenses, such as compression garments
  • Number of areas treated
  • Degree of difficulty
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Geographic location

Any good surgeon takes these factors into account while fairly pricing liposuction treatments. For more information on pricing and estimates, we recommend that you call our office at 949-359-8397 and schedule a consultation with one of our professionals.

When Can I Shower After Leg Liposuction?

Once you enter the recovery period after your liposuction procedure, speak with your doctor about proper aftercare practices. Generally, we recommend that patients wait between 24 and 48 hours to shower after their procedure. This varies from person to person, so ask your doctor beforehand. Additionally, remove your compression wraps before you shower in order to carefully clean the area. Once clean, pat the incisions dry. Do not wipe or drag your towel over them, as this can irritate the incisions. For at least the first two weeks after your procedure, avoid taking baths. Again, ask your doctor about how long you should wait to bathe, as it varies from patient to patient. Follow-up care is the most important part of your recovery, so adhere to your doctor’s instructions as closely as possible.

What is the Recovery Time for Upper Leg Liposuction?

Another common question that our patients have is about recovery times and processes. We ensure that all of our patients understand two things: what the procedure entails and what happens during the recovery process. An informed patient is a healthy patient. In general, most patients experience full recovery after 6-8 weeks. 

During your recovery period, you can reasonably expect:

  • Immediately after the procedure, you will probably feel mild discomfort, bruising, redness, and swelling. Your doctor will most likely prescribe pain medications.
  • By the end of the first week, expect to see a reduction in the swelling. However, continue wearing your compression garments until at least week four, or until otherwise instructed.
  • Sometimes, swelling lasts as long as six weeks. However, many patients reach a comfort level that allows them to return to work after a few days. Some take around two weeks to return to work. Listen to what your doctor advises, and only return to work and regular activities when you feel ready.
  • At around one month, most patients no longer feel pain or soreness. This period also brings the beginning of visible results. The bruising and swelling continues to heal, and many patients resume light exercise.
  • At six weeks and beyond, most of the swelling and bruising have dissipated. Most patients no longer use their compression garments at this stage, and they return to their normal level of activity. Now, you begin to see the final results.

How Long Do Bruises Last From Thigh Liposuction?

As one of the most common side effects of inner thigh liposuction, bruising affects most patients. It results from injuries to the capillaries during the procedure. While bruising times vary from person to person, the intensity of the bruising usually peaks at around three days. However, it is unlikely that many people see these bruises, as we advise that patients rest and stay home during this time. Even though bruising is a natural part of the healing process, we provide compression garments to reduce excess bruising. Additionally, the bruising and swelling both dissipate around one month after the procedure. 

You can manage your bruising, as well as prevent excessive bruising by:

  • Sufficient rest time
  • Wearing the compression garment as directed
  • Taking prescribed medications as indicated
  • Walking as soon as possible to prevent blood clots
  • Watching for signs of complications from the procedure

How Tight Should a Compression Garment Be After Thigh Liposuction?

While it depends on the extent of the procedure, we usually ask patients to wear their compression garments for 24 hours a day, except while showering or bathing. We recommend this 24-hour wear for up to 3 weeks after the procedure, and then for only 12 hours a day for another 3 weeks. The aim of the compression garment is to improve the contour of the area. However, many patients ask us how tightly they should wear the garment. Generally, we want the garment to fit well, stay in place, and not form rolls. We also want even compression across the treated area. Basically, the garment needs to be tight enough for the necessary support, but not so tight as to lead to discomfort.

Who is a Good Candidate for Inner Thigh Liposuction?

If you suffer from excess fat deposits in the inner portion of the thigh, you are likely a good candidate. Good candidates must also be in generally good health and possess realistic expectations about the procedure and its results. The procedure is not for weight loss purposes. Thus, good patients understand and accept that the purpose of liposuction is not to lose weight, but rather to remove fat in a certain area. When patients have unwanted fat deposits in the thighs, and they desire a more sculpted figure, we consider them good candidates.