Dr. Hootan Daneshmand
Mons Pubis Liposuction - Bakersfield and Orange County, CA
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Orange County Mons Pubis Liposuction
At The Silhouette Plastic Surgery Institute, we know that many people care about the health and appearance of their abdominal area. As a board-certified Orange County plastic surgeon, Dr. Daneshmand works tirelessly to restore confidence to his patients. If you feel unsatisfied with the appearance of your abdominal or mons pubis area, contact our off today about mons pubis liposuction prices and consultations. Please call 949-359-8397, or fill out our contact form below.
What is Mons Pubis Liposuction?
The mons pubis is the area at the top of your groin. This can be “puffy” in some patients, giving more fullness than they would like. The fullness can also cause problems when wearing tight clothes such as yoga pants or jeans with a tighter fit around this area. Compared to other areas of your body that are not filled out by fat deposits and tissue, it is slightly more noticeable with a wider array of clothing. Mons pubis liposuction can reduce puffiness in this region effectively through an easy procedure. While swelling after surgery may make it look even puffier for about two weeks, the overall appearance, shape, and contour are greatly improved.
Liposuction of the mons pubis can have dramatic effects on skin that has good elasticity. However, for those with loose skin in this area, liposuction appears to make it even looser when fat is removed because of the deflation effect. Many patients opt for a monsplasty along with their liposuction. This procedure removes the excess skin and fatty tissue from the area.
What are Typical Mons Pubis Liposuction Prices in California?
The average cost of any liposuction procedure depends heavily on where the procedure takes place, as well as what methods your surgeon uses. In many cases, mons pubis liposuction prices vary greatly from surgeon to surgeon. Other factors, which we list below, affect the end price of the procedure.
- Location: Is the surgery performed in a hospital with an overnight stay or as an outpatient procedure?
- Geographical location
- Type of anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia?
- Experience and training of your surgeon
- Complexity and length of the surgery
The average national cost is around $3000, but as we stated before, this may vary. To get a better idea of mons pubis liposuction prices, we recommend scheduling a consultation with your surgeon. Some offices also offer financing plans for their patients. Ask about your options prior to surgery.
Is Mons Pubis Reduction Covered by Insurance?
Generally, no. Insurance companies consider this type of procedure to be “elective.” This means that it is not imperative for your overall health. In cases where the mons pubis reduction is purely cosmetic, insurance almost never covers it. However, some instances exist in which insurance might consider covering the cost. If the size of the mons pubis began to cause you great pain and discomfort, the company might consider covering it. Although, the next step is to find a surgeon who will accept insurance for the procedure. Because cosmetic surgeons often have a very high overhead cost, it is unlikely that most surgeons will accept insurance for the procedure.
Does a Tummy Tuck Lift the Mons Pubis?
One of the benefits an Orange County tummy tuck abdominoplasty can have is improving your pubic region’s appearance. A lot of people are happy with their decision to undergo this surgery when it comes time for them to go swimming. They see how much better their groin area looks in comparison to before. The procedure focuses on contouring, trimming, and tightening the skin and muscles around one’s midsection. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t an effect on other parts as well. If excess fat tissues from your belly have been removed, then you’re likely to see the mons pubis more easily.
There are many reasons why women might want to have a pubic lift, including difficulty urinating or having intercourse. A plump mons pubis can also affect your confidence and sexual life. For these reasons, combining a tummy tuck with mons pubis liposuction is recommended for those who would like to more easily wear tight-fitting dresses and clothes. The presence of excess skin around our most intimate parts does not only lead us to feel self-conscious about what others think; it can also make intimacy uncomfortable.
How Can I Tighten My Belly Apron?
In many cases, overall weight loss and healthy eating reduce the fat deposits around your abdominal area. This is the first option for a lot of our patients. However, what if long term diet and exercise simply don’t cut it? There are many reasons why you might have a lot of loose skin after weight loss, including excess fat and significant stretching. While losing weight is great for your health, it may also leave some extra skin hanging around. Exercise can’t remove this skin from overstretched areas like stomachs or breasts, and in these cases, we recommend other options.
Orange County laser treatments are a great way to reduce fat in tricky areas like the abdomen, without having to go under the knife. These procedures can also be used for other troublesome regions of your body, and don’t need an extensive recovery time between sessions unlike traditional liposuction or surgery. However as with any procedure involving lasers there is always some risk involved- so it’s important that you’re willing to accept this before moving on with treatment. The last and most invasive options are Orange County liposuction and Orange County panniculectomy surgery. We discuss more about mons pubis liposuction recovery in the next section.
What Can I Expect During Mons Pubis Liposuction Recovery?
You’ll be monitored after surgery to make sure you don’t have any complications, and then released. You’ll need someone who can drive you home afterward because it’s common for patients in the first few days following their procedure to experience discomfort in their lower abdomen or mons pubis. Bruising and swelling of these areas will generally last between two weeks up until three weeks post-surgery.
Below, we include a general timeline of the recovery process:
- Around two days after surgery, we encourage patients to take slow, short walks around their home.
- After one week, most patients can return to work, so long as their job does not involve exerting movements.
- At three weeks, many patients’ wounds are healed enough to take a bath rather than a shower.
- Most patients resume exercise and other physical activities at anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks.
California Plastic Surgeon Specializing in Mons Pubis Liposuction Procedures
At The Silhouette Plastic Surgery Institute, we know that many people care about the health and appearance of their abdominal area. As a board-certified Orange County plastic surgeon, Dr. Daneshmand works tirelessly to restore confidence to his patients. If you feel unsatisfied with the appearance of your abdominal or mons pubis area, contact our off today about mons pubis liposuction prices and consultations. You can also view our Orange County labiaplasty before and after page for more information. Please call 949-359-8397, or visit our website today.