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Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass in Bakersfield, CA

bariatric surgery bakersfield

For many people, bariatric, or weight loss, surgery is an excellent option for improving their lifestyle. These surgeries involve making changes to your digestive system in order to promote weight loss. Sometimes, diet and exercise just don’t do the trick, even when you’ve committed to them for months. Other times, health problems arise from weight that require a surgical fix. 

Different bariatric procedures, like gastric bypass, produce different results. At the Silhouette Plastic Surgery Institute, our board-certified plastic surgeons are here to help you weigh the pros and cons of gastric bypass surgery for you. Dr. Daneshmand has helped countless clients in his years of experience, and his expertise will put you in the best position for weight loss and a better life. For more information on other body procedures, such as liposuction or a tummy tuck, call 949-359-8397 or make an appointment online.

Gastric bypass surgery is one of several weight loss surgeries. It involves the creation of a small pouch within the patient’s stomach. The surgeon connects the pouch directly to the small intestine, bypassing the stomach. Once the surgery is complete, any food you eat will go directly into this pouch instead of your stomach. Then, the food travels into the first section of your small intestine. It is one of the most commonly-used types of weight loss surgery.

In this section, we explain what gastric bypass surgeons usually do during the procedure. While there are some variants depending on each patient’s needs, many gastric bypass surgeries are performed in the same way.

  1. The patient undergoes general anesthesia prior to surgery. This way, they do not experience pain or discomfort, as they are asleep.
  2. During the first portion of the procedure, the surgeon works on making your stomach smaller. Your stomach is divided into two parts, one smaller and one larger. The smaller upper part forms the pouch, which is where your food goes when you eat. Due to the pouch’s very small size, you feel fuller much faster. This causes you to lose weight from not eating as much.
  3. During the second portion of the procedure, the surgeon arranges the bypass. A part of your small intestine is connected to a hole in the pouch. The food you eat then travels from the pouch into the small intestine. This way, your body absorbs fewer calories than before.

Gastric bypass surgery is usually performed in one of two ways. The first option involves open surgery. A surgeon makes a large incision to open up your belly, then performs the bypass. The second option involves a laparoscopic method. A tiny camera (laparoscope) is placed into the belly in order for the surgeon to view the internal organs for the bypass. Both surgical options occur in a hospital, and last anywhere from 2 to 4 hours.

The laparoscopic method has distinct advantages over the open surgery method. These advantages include shorter hospital stays, faster recovery, less pain, smaller scars, and lower risk of infection.

Gastric bypass surgery, as well as other types of bariatric surgery, have both pros and cons, as most medical procedures do. At the Silhouette Plastic Surgery Institute, we’re here to explain the benefits and the risks you face while deciding whether this procedure is right for you.


  • The most obvious benefit is the promotion of weight loss. This occurs through the restriction of the amount of food your stomach can hold, as well as the amount of calories your small intestine can absorb.
  • Some studies show that patients’ hormone levels change with regard to feelings of hunger and fullness, as well as your brain’s response to eating. Because of this, many patients feel full most of the time, derive less pleasure from eating, and do not feel the need to eat as an emotional response.
  • Changes in food cravings also arise. Patients often crave less foods which are high in sugars and fats. They have fewer preferences for carb-heavy foods as well. Some patients also describe a decreased tolerance for foods like meat, dairy, carbs, and sweets.


  • Some patients experience bitterness, bad smells, and unappealing textures in foods they once found enjoyable. 
  • Hormonal changes can also lead to what is called “dumping syndrome.” This is also called, in more technical terms, rapid gastric emptying. This condition occurs when food travels to the small intestine too quickly after eating a meal with high amounts of sugars or carbohydrates. Symptoms of dumping syndrome include the following.
    • Cramps of the abdominal area
    • Diarrhea
    • Mood change
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Sweating
    • Confusion

Weight loss after gastric bypass surgery is generally guaranteed. Studies show that patients who are genuinely motivated to lose weight and keep it off will drop around half of their excess weight over a 1 to 2 year period. Patients rapidly lose weight within the first 6 months of that period. At the end of two years, most patients see their final weight from the bypass. By that time, successful patients will have lost, on average, 65% to 70% of their excess weight.

It is important to note the difference between starting weight and excess weight. Patients lose 65-70% of their excess weight. In order to get a good grasp on your projected weight loss, we recommend speaking with your surgeon. Below, we include two examples of weight loss in patients.

  • Patient A weighs 300 lbs. Their excess weight is approximately 130 lbs. If we calculate 65% of the excess weight, the result is around 85 lbs of excess weight loss.
  • Patient B weighs 400 lbs. Their excess weight is approximately 205 lbs. If we calculate 70% of the excess weight, the result is around 143 lbs of excess weight loss.

Remember, you should always consult your surgeon, as well as a dietician in order to determine realistic weight loss expectations for your own body.

Sometimes, patients experience some weight regain or stomach stretching after their gastric bypass surgery. Luckily, there are ways to combat these, as well as ways to restart your weight loss. Two common solutions include a pouch reset and revision surgery. Below, we explain each of these options, and how you can approach them. As a reminder, please consult with your surgeon or dietician before undergoing either of these solutions.

Pouch Reset:

A pouch reset is essentially a severe reduction in the amount of food you eat. It mimics the diet your surgeon strongly recommends after gastric bypass surgery, but with a shortened length of time. 

Revision Surgery:

Some patients undergo revision surgery if they fail to see the desired results of the initial gastric bypass surgery, regain weight, or experience medical complications. This procedure essentially reinstates your reduction of food and calorie absorption.

Gastric Bypass surgery is an option for those with a body mass index (BMI) of at least 40 or above. This constitutes extreme obesity. It is also an option for those with a BMI of 35-39.9, who also have a weight-related health issue, such as those listed above. Sometimes, those with a BMI of 30-34 also qualify if they have serious weight-related health problems.

Why Gastric Bypass?

Generally, surgeons perform gastric bypass surgery on patients who have not achieved weight loss after diet and exercise, or if they have health problems due to weight. Surgeons usually hold off on this surgery until the patient tries to lose weight by improving their diet and exercise lifestyle. Below, we list common medical issues which might lead to a surgeon opting for gastric bypass surgery:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (acid reflux)
  • High cholesterol
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Infertility

Gastric Bypass Surgery in Bakersfield & Orange County, California

If you’re looking for the right weight loss solution for your situation, the Silhouette Plastic Surgery Institute in California offers top-of-the-line gastric bypass procedures. Whether you’re looking to just lose weight, to improve your quality of life, or to feel more confident, Dr. Daneshmand can help. As a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience and training, Dr. D loves his work and loves helping people. To schedule an appointment with Dr. D for gastric bypass surgery, or for cosmetic procedures such as a double chin reduction or a breast lift, call 949-359-8397 today. You can also fill out our online intake form and send us a message.