A standard facial can remove dead skin cells, unclog your pores, and increase circulation to the targeted area. Facials are meant to help deliver more much-needed nutrients to skin cells. However, a vampire facial treatment is much more encompassing.

For almost a decade now, reality TV stars, like Kim Kardashian, have pushed the unique skincare trend of vampire facials. The truth is that the procedure is much less scary than it sounds and is available to everyone, not just celebrities.

What is a Vampire Facial?

what is a vampire facial

So, what exactly is a vampire facial?

The vampire facial, also termed microneedling PRP facial, is a non-invasive procedure that requires a few steps in order to work correctly. First, a board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon draws your own blood from your arm. From here, the platelets are separated and applied back to your face.

Since there are multiple treatments involved in this process, we’ll separate the two in order to better explain the benefits and procedure, in general.

Microneedling with Growth Factors

blood facial bakersfield

Vampire facials use a combination of microneedling and platelet rich plasma (PRP). This combination is sometimes referred to as microneedling with growth factors.

Dermatologists and plastic surgeons have been using microneedling for some time now. Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that helps to boost collagen production, restore skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and give patients a dewy glow.

You may have heard the treatment referred to as ‘collagen induction therapy’ because the treatment helps stimulate collagen production and can restore up to a year’s worth of lost collagen.

So, how does this skincare treatment actually work? Microneedling introduces the skin to thousands of tiny, sterilized needles, ranging in size from .5 go 2.5 mm. This makes your body begin to activate its own healing process. This process is what starts collagen and elastin production within the body.

The pricks used in the microneedling treatment for the purposes of a vampire facelift or facial also serve another purpose: they allow the platelet rich plasma to penetrate deeper into the top layer of the skin, once the actual facial begins.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet rich plasma therapy, commonly known as PRP, is also one of the most popular non-invasive injection related procedures. PRP treatments use your own blood to improve your facial tissue.

As previously mentioned, the blood is drawn from the patient. Then, it is placed into a machine that’s responsible for separating the platelets from the blood. The portion with the concentrated platelets is then re-injected into the patient’s face or scalp.

In theory, the platelet rich plasma should correct any cosmetic flaw that a person may have when several treatments are used in conjunction with one another.

Selecting a board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon is critical when opting for ANY PRP treatment.

What’s the Process for Vampire Facials

Microneedling with PRP, or a vampire facial, is administered within an office setting.

The first step is to have the blood drawn from the patient. This is fairly painless.

Then, we place the blood into a centrifuge in order to separate the platelets and plasma from the red blood cells.

Before we begin the microneedling portion of the vampire facial, we’ll place a topical numbing cream on the face. This aids in managing any discomfort that may come with the microneedling.

Once we’re sure that the numbing cream is active, we’ll complete the microneedling portion of the treatment.

Next, we gently rub the platelet rich plasma onto the skin. The PRP should stay on the skin for the rest of the day to ensure the patient gets the best results possible.

Patients often notice red, dry, or sensitive skin that resembles a sunburn for the next few days. Rest assured that this feeling is not sun damage, but instead is cell turnover.

Benefits of a Vampire Facial

vampire facial benefits

Vampire facials can be used for those with acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, crow’s feet, sun damage. By reintroducing the plasma back into the skin, we encourage cell turnover, which leads to increased elastin and collagen production.

Even Skin Tone

The new boost of collagen from the vampire facial will brighten your overall skin tone. The effect is more even skin texture, less wrinkles, faded acne scars and hyperpigmentation, as well as skin that’s more taught.

For those with aging skin, uneven texture, and fine lines, a vampire facial may be just the ticket to achieving desirable skincare results.

Restore Hydration

Vampire facials are a great way to keep skin hydrated. In fact, skin that is dehydrated can greatly benefit from a vampire facial.

Dehydrated skin often leads to dark circles under the eyes, and while a facial isn’t necessary to combat this, re-hydrated skin cells will work harder to promote healing and therefore, reduce recovery down-time.

Am I a Candidate for a Vampire Facial?

Most patients are considered good candidates for a vampire facial.

However, this treatment may not be the best option if you:

  • use or recently used Accutane (acne treatment drug)
  • have recently undergone skin radiation within the past year
  • are pregnant
  • have a history of poor wound recovery
  • scar easily
  • have active acne that may result in new scarring
  • have facial eczema or rosacea

Bakersfield Vampire Facial Provider

While a vampire facial is a minimally invasive treatment backed by cosmetic and clinical research, you still should do your homework to ensure that you’re hiring a medically trained professional to guide you through the treatment process. Anytime you’re dealing with blood, even if it’s your own blood, you still are prone to infection and other health issues, if the needles and equipment are not properly sterilized.

Please feel free to ask our board certified medical staff any question you may have concerning the vampire facial treatment and the safety precautions used at our facility!

Our California med spa offers a variety of facial and skin treatment options including dermal fillers, laser skin resurfacing, cellulite treatments, and plasma fibroblast therapy! Call to schedule your appointment today.